Alabama’s Infant Toddler Specialist Network provides professional development workshops for both educators and directors who care for infants and toddlers. These workshops, which are provided at no cost, are specific to the unique learning needs of the birth to three age range. Opportunities can be facilitated through face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid methods.
Technical Assistance and Consultation from ITSN means support and a myriad of resources to help childcare providers achieve excellence in early care for infants and toddlers. Through network of highly skilled specialists, ITSN is able to provide these opportunities for specialized training, technical assistance, and coaching in-person, by phone, or virtually throughout Alabama.
A relationship-based process that includes individualized, practice-based support through shared goal-setting, action plans, focused observations, and reflective feedback. This evidence-based practice, targeting professional development goals identified by the teacher, includes two visits per week for the 90-day coaching cycle and offers a financial incentive to teachers.
Child development and learning
Building family and community relationships
Building meaningful curriculum using developmentally effective approaches
Supporting emotional expression and regulation